26 April 2009

A Rose Barbecue

So on Friday the FRG that I'm a part of had a barbecue to get together and give out a dozen roses to each spouse (or girlfriend in my case). A local philanthropist donated a dozen roses to all the spouses in our unit. 2,100 dozen roses were donated. The plan was to have all the husbands take the roses home to their wives after work, but all our guys are down in Fort Irwin right now so that kind of fell through. Not everyone could make it, but one of the ladies got a picture. We had a nice time. It gave everyone something to do on a Friday evening.

22 April 2009


So we took a picture on Easter (after we changed out of our nice clothes of course). Other than that it's been a pretty quiet week. Quinn is gone yet again and won't be back for another 3 weeks. I've just been trying to keep busy with cleaning and Bubba and anything else I can find. I FINALLY start work next week. I've had the job for over a month and they finally cleared everything and I can go to work. I'm not extremely excited to run after 4 and 5 year olds for 9 hours, but the paycheck will be a nice change.
We had really nice weather the past 4 or 5 days. I was able to lay out on the balcony and soak up some vitamin D before the clouds came back.
I also have a bbq with my frg this Friday. I'm a little nervous to go because the only girls I know won't be attending so I'm on my own. Hopefully all will go well. I need to stay involved with as much as possible....especially with Quinn leaving soon.
Other than that, like I said, it's been pretty quiet here. I'm always up for visitors!

11 April 2009

3 years

Quinn and I celebrated 3 years today. It's been a long 3 years but also a lot of fun. Since meeting in Miami we've both graduated college, I've lived in 3 different states (counting the one I started in), he's a 2LT in the Army with a deployment soon, and we added Bubba in between. A lot has happened, but I think through all the ups and downs it's been great. I'm excited to see what's still in store for us.

he was embarrassed to ask someone to take our picture when we went for dinner so we took it ourselves in the car! haha. (plus he always has to have some sort of stupid face!) I'll try to get a better one tomorrow for Easter.

07 April 2009

Quinn's Training

So this post is past due, but I just went through the pictures today. For about 3 weeks in March Quinn was away training. It wasn't the most fun time I've ever had, but the pictures show otherwise for him! Even though he was ready to come home, it doesn't look like he hated all of it.

06 April 2009

Nice Weekend (finally)

So it was finally nice this past weekend. The weather was pretty warm and more importantly, there was no rain! We decided to take advantage and get out of the house a little. We went out to the bar and had a barbecue with some of the guys from Quinn's platoon.