22 May 2010

Sick Bubba

So we have less than 3 months left and I have managed to keep Bubba alive while Quinn is away. Of course he decided to test me Friday morning. I woke up at 5 am on Thursday morning to Bubba throwing up twice on the carpet. I kept him home from daycare figuring that he might have had some bad water or met up with another dog who may have been sick. He ate and was fine and didn't leave me any surprises when I got home from work so I figured he was fine. Fast forward to Friday morning at 4am. Bubba threw up 7 times (in all different places of course) and pooped in the house (which he never does). By the 7th time, within a half hour, I had to take him to the emergency vet. After 3 hours of being there they decided that it was pancreatitis. Apparently he either got something in the garbage that really hit him hard or he had eaten something that was really fatty. I give him peanut butter in his kong toy at least once a week if I have to go out for a few hours. I think all the peanut butter backed up and caused him to get this pancreatitis thing. Needless to say, after sitting at the emergency vet and paying a ridiculous bill, I still had to take him right over to the regular vet so he could get hooked up to IV fluids and antibiotics overnight. The poor thing was such a good sport throughout the whole thing, but when they went to take him at the second vet for his overnight he was standing behind me and didn't move. I gave him a blanket and toy and left him there. I picked him up today and they sent me home with 6 days worth of smelly low fat dog food and 3 containers of pills that I need to give him. After paying another expensive vet bill we are home and doing pretty well. He's been eating and drinking and going to the bathroom. I have to monitor him for the next 48 hours or so to make sure that he's ok. The vet said we caught it quick so he only had a mild case of it which means that he was able to bounce back pretty easily. I'm not saying we're in the clear yet, but he seems to be feeling better. I'll feel better after a week of no early morning surprises. Poor Quinn had to deal with me being all upset and thinking that I pretty much killed his dog. My poor mom also had to deal with my hysterical phone call at 4 in the morning (at least it was 7 am her time). I was sitting on the floor with Bubba throwing up crying and asking him what was wrong and why he was still throwing up. I went to work after I dropped him at the vet for the day and was a walking zombie. I would appreciate it if he could stay healthy from now on or at least until Quinn gets back!!

09 May 2010

Dear Deployment

You only have about 2 1/2 months left with my boyfriend. I'm sure you will miss him terribly, but I think you've worn out your welcome, and it's time for you to be put in your place. I'm ready to take him back and not see you again for at least a year and a half. It seems to have gone pretty quickly overall, but the past 2 months have lasted forever. You've been pretty good about giving Quinn time to call me, but it's not the same as having him here on a regular basis. Bubba also asked me to tell you that he would really like his dad back. He knows that he can be a handful and mom is getting tired. You've caused a few breakdowns, miscommunication, and frustration. I'd appreciate it if you could help make these last couple of months as smooth as possible. We've enjoyed the few perks that you were able to offer, but nothing compares to having a face to face conversation or someone to kiss goodnight (besides the 4 legged one who takes up the entire bed). It would be great if you could return him soon. Thank you for your time.


Nicole (and Bubba)

05 May 2010

Allison's Bridal Shower

I went back to New Jersey for my sister's bridal shower. We had a good time. I don't think she was surprised but she pretended to be. We had a lot of people show up and a really nice day. I've been dealing with 50's and cloudy, so 85 and sunny was a nice change for me. We're only 2 months away from the wedding day. Everyone is excited.