08 November 2009

3 months

Although it seems as though there's less and less to say as the months past, I thought I'd at least acknowledge that we're 3 months down now. It hasn't been fun but with him calling/emailing every couple days it's been ok. He's doing fine. There have been a few issues but overall pretty quiet out there. They have their own little space now which he was pretty happy about. I sent out his playstation. I keep joking that he's in paradise with sand, warm weather, and the ability to play all the games he wants without me complaining. My sister's first grade class is sending cards and possibly care packages over to his platoon and his brother as well. Hopefully the next few months will go by quick with the holidays.


Allison said...

I am glad you guys are doing good! Hang in there!

Kelli said...

That's so sweet of your sisters class to send him some goodies! I'm glad he can call and e-mail you every now and then!

Tai and Joe said...

Yeah! three down, that is great. How sweet that your sister's class is doing. Plus it really helps the kids to understand what is going on in the world right now.