03 February 2009


So yesterday Quinn officially started work and got his platoon. He's in charge of 1st Platoon, Crazy Horse Troop (The Raider Platoon). I don't really understand all of it, but that's what Quinn said I should put. I don't have any fun pictures to post or anything but YAY for him anyway.

*on a side note, all our household goods finally got here and we are officially moved in. we don't really have anything to take pictures of since the living room has a light, couch, and table and the dining room doesn't even have that. when we are able to furnish a little better i promise i'll take pictures.


Kelli said...

Woo Hoo! I can't wait to see some new pics of the place! Is Bubba with you guys yet?

Lori Romney said...

That's awesome! I have been thinking of you and wondering how things were going.