30 September 2008

Take a Guess

I put in a 1 word answer for each question...some are obvious, others not so much, others are pretty much impossible. take a guess?

favorite food
favorite color
celebrity crush
favorite drink
vacation spot
favorite dessert
what i want to be when i grow up
what i love most in my life
one word to describe me

*i got it from kelli and created it through flickr

24 September 2008

It's Official

I have a job. It's been a long wait (almost 3 months) but I am employed again. I have been doing temp jobs for the past few weeks but nothing that was going to turn long term. I am now going to be a nanny for a 4 month old boy named Elliott. I know it's a funny name and he's so cute!! I will post a picture when I have one. It's something good for me right now. I've fought my family about the benefits deal because at this point I need something and I love taking care of babies. Since I don't plan on having my own anytime soon, this will hold me over :) I'm excited

17 September 2008

Just Some Pictures

I'm bored and decided to look through all my pictures from when Quinn and I met. Here are a few of the favorites (or mine at least)

08 September 2008

just my hair

So I colored my hair again. It's a pretty ridiculous picture because my dad just had me stand there and smile so of course I made kind of a goofy face. You get the picture though. It's a little darker than it was, but just about as dark as my natural color (when I was little). It lightens up too fast though I think. I don't really know how to keep the color from fading so fast. (any ideas lori???) Anyway, not that exciting but thought I'd share anyway.

03 September 2008


This is my 3rd post of the day but for some reason I feel like I have a lot to say. A few months ago I was going to start drawing or painting to keep me busy while I was looking for a job. Hopefully I'll have a job on Monday, but at this point I'm still keeping myself busy with the art. These aren't that great but I figured I'd post them anyway since I said I would. swirls...the colors are brighter than they look flower


I went to a wedding last Friday. Erica danced with my sister starting at age 5 and the families have been friends since. It was nice to go and hang out with all the family and friends that we have. I don't have much to say about it...just a few pictures Allison, Erin, Me

Allison, Me, Dad, Erin
Dad, Me, Allison, Erin, Mom

Dan, Allison

Adam, Dave, Dad, Uncle Carlos, Tom, Albert, David
Liz, Jen, Allison (3 of 10 Bridesmaids) Erica and her grandmother

Quinn's Visit

So Quinn came to visit me last weekend. He had a few days off so the poor guy drove 12 hours up and 12 hours back. He wasn't able to make it to the wedding I had on Friday which was a little disappointing, but I was still happy he was able to make it at all. It's been pretty tough at times to deal with the separation so this was some much needed time together. (I hadn't seen him in a little over 2 months!!!) We only took 1 picture while he was here and it wasn't that great but I figured I'd post it anyway.
We hung out with a lot of family. Looking back I would have liked a little more time for just the two of us to hang out and relax by ourselves. It's tough when my family only gets to see him two or three times a year though. They want to see him too. So that's it I guess. We had a nice time. He'll most likely be going to Utah in October. I'm hoping I can make it out there too but if not I'll see him on Thanksgiving.