You only have about 2 1/2 months left with my boyfriend. I'm sure you will miss him terribly, but I think you've worn out your welcome, and it's time for you to be put in your place. I'm ready to take him back and not see you again for at least a year and a half. It seems to have gone pretty quickly overall, but the past 2 months have lasted forever. You've been pretty good about giving Quinn time to call me, but it's not the same as having him here on a regular basis. Bubba also asked me to tell you that he would really like his dad back. He knows that he can be a handful and mom is getting tired. You've caused a few breakdowns, miscommunication, and frustration. I'd appreciate it if you could help make these last couple of months as smooth as possible. We've enjoyed the few perks that you were able to offer, but nothing compares to having a face to face conversation or someone to kiss goodnight (besides the 4 legged one who takes up the entire bed). It would be great if you could return him soon. Thank you for your time.
Nicole (and Bubba)
I've never been through a year long deployment but whenever Aaron is gone it always seems like the last week is the hardest to get through! Hang in there!
I hear ya sister. I am so tired of it I could scream. I do admire you getting through a year. It really is so hard.
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