02 September 2011

It's Official

So I've made it official with work that I am leaving on September 22nd. We will be moving on October 1st and can't wait. It's going to be bittersweet because I've grown to appreciate the scenery and cleanliness of this state, but it's tough to tolerate the weather. It's been especially hard this year because we really have only had a week or two of summer weather and it wasn't consistant. That's tough when you have steady rain from November to May. We've also made some new friends and are leaving behind some old friends as well. The stability of having an income to the stress of not knowing when another paycheck will come in has been tough for me (especially with a wedding coming up). Overall it's an exciting time for us. We have plans to hit New Jersey for some wedding appointments and we've put a small security deposit on a rental in Georgia that a friend of ours suggested. Hopefully it's as nice and it looks and we've heard so we can move right in without any problems. Unfortunately, we have to drive two cars, but I'm hopeful that I can still take pictures along the way and document our trip a little better than I did on our way here. The 2,700 mile drive won't be too exciting while we're doing it, but it's always fun to look back on it. We have a few things planned for before we leave here so hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures soon.