I didn't realize how long it has been since I last posted something. We've had some stuff going on the past few months, but I just haven't gotten around to writing about it all.
Quinn proposed on March 27th. It was a fun time. I was half expecting it and half trying not to. We've been together for a little over 5 years now which seems crazy to me. Sometimes it feels like forever and other times it surprises me how much we've been through together. We've managed to survive having a long distance relationship 3 times in the past 5 years. Our first time was about a year and a half long, the second was only about 6 months, and then he deployed in 2009 for a year. We haven't lived in the same place together for a year yet. There have been ups and downs surrounding it all, but we've pulled through and I think we're in a good place now.
Planning a wedding is proving to be a little more stressful than I thought. I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and she told me that the little rash I though I had was actually Shingles. Apparently it surfaced because of stress. I didn't think I was dealing with that much stress, but I guess I was. My family is doing a bulk of the work in regards to planning. I haven't been to New Jersey since the process began so I've never seen the venue or church, heard the dj, met with the limo service, etc. My sister and brother in law are even doing the tasting for me! I'm kind of going off of what my family says and what I've seen online. My first visit back won't be until October. Hopefully everyone understood what I was looking for because they've made most of the decisions for me already.
We just found out that Quinn's request to be transferred early went through. We'll be leaving Washington by the first week in October and heading to Fort Benning, GA. Not a moment too soon either. There has been talk that his unit is deploying to Afghanistan in December. He wouldn't have to go even if we stayed just because he falls under some rule about not leaving when you have a career course date, but anything can happen so I'm just glad that he has paperwork saying we're heading out. That was a little stressful waiting to hear back on. I don't plan on saying anything at work until September because I need to stay working as long as I can. The thought of having to find another job again is tough.
Quinn also found out that he's getting promoted early. He'll be Captain Overton on July 1st.
I think I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. It feels like I'm in a cloud. Nothing is standing out as super exciting or really bad...It's all just going on around me and I understand it but don't have strong feelings one way or the other. That's about it though. We've had a few things going on and Quinn will head out to Fort Irwin in August for the month. We're not super busy right now, but a couple months from now we'll be starting the clearing out and packing up process for the 3rd time. It's still kind of exciting each time we do this. I don't like starting over with a new employer or leaving the friends that I've made, but it is fun to clear out old junk that needs to get thrown out and experience a new place for a few years. We have mixed feelings about Washington, and I'm sure once we're gone we'll miss some of it, but we are pretty happy to leave Washington winters behind. I'm happy to be heading to the east coast. I'll be in driving distance to New Jersey for the first time in a few years. I've added a few engagement pictures. Not as exciting as I was hoping, but they got the job done.