8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Brothers and Sisters
4. John and Kate Plus 8 (even though I don't get that here)
5. The Hills
6. The Office
7. Grey's Anatomy
8. the news
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Jose Tejas
2. Olive Garden
3. Outback
4. Panera
5. The Melting Pot (hopefully)
6. Friendly's
7. Costa Verde
8. Grease Trucks (not a restaurant but you'd love their sandwiches)
8 Books You'd Recommend:
1. A Child Called It
2. 5 People You Meet In Heaven
3. Digital Fortress
4. The Faithful Spy
5. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
6. Ender's Shadow
7. Shadow of the Hegemon
8. Storm of the Century
8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
1. Waited 2 hours for an oil change and tire rotation
2. was told I still needed $600 worth of work done
3. made soup and peanut butter and jelly for dinner
4. cleaned and straightened up my room
5. watched The Hills
6. returned something to the store
7. talked to my sister
8. made a list of what needed to be cleaned today for Thanksgiving
8 Things To Look Forward To:
1. Thanksgiving
2. Quinn Visiting
3. Quinn's Graduation
4. Christmas
5. Traveling
6. Going back out to Utah after Christmas
7. An Australia trip would be nice
8. Finally getting settled somewhere
8 Things On My Wish List:
1. to figure out a plan
2. get a stable job with benefits
3. have my family approve of my decisions
4. see bubba again
5. Somehow have Quinn's unit NOT deploy
6. spend an extended period of time together with no long separations
7. get married and have kids someday (sooner than later)
8. be out of debt so I don't have to rely on a job
8 Things I Love About Fall:
1. Colors
2. Cool air (not cold)
3. October
4. Pumpkins
5. Halloween
6. Christmas shopping can start
7. AND Christmas music comes on the radio
8. Thanksgiving
8 People I tag
I don't know 8 people with blogs so I tag everyone I do know with a blog